Sunday, March 10, 2019

productivity software

Publisher: Alicia Antoine

Hi everyone

I am Alicia Antoine I am  registered nurse currently pursuing  my Bacholars Degree nursing. As part of the requirement to gain my degree I am taking this challenging yet interesting course Nursing Informatics. I'm not a pro in computer technology but this course is intended to make me equip with all the tools necessary to become one at the end of it.

So far it as been very informative and I have been able to gather a lot of information about the computer system and how it is used within the health field and most important how I can use it as a nurse.

Image result for nursing informatics

Productivity software

Productivity software are necessary for our everyday practice  it’s a category of application programs that help users produce things such as documents, databases, graphs, worksheets and presentations. Within the field of nursing it is no exemption to the used of software can help increase productivity, operating systems can help access patient’s files and also enable communication between health care professionals (Rouse, 2012)
Image result for nursing informatics 
Productivity software within the clinical area
The use of productivity software for example application software such as the use of Microsoft word will enable the ease of putting in patient’s data and can help to avoid errors wit spelling.  Application software can also be used to incorporate the use of electronic health records to help retrieve a patient’s old note and past history at a much faster time frame without having to search for a file. (Krishnan, 2011).

v  To engage in professional development
Software such as Microsoft office or the new Microsoft outlook can be used to help manage one professional development by allowing the  access to calendar, address books and even a task list which act as reminders to manage time wisely as a professional also the use of Microsoft words can also be engage in my professional development (Slaey, 2013).

v  Collaboration

Productivity software such as meeting software example zoom, Skype or simple video conferencing will enable nurse’s work along with other professional who may not be present at the time of need and thus increase productivity (Slaey, 2013).

v  Knowledge Dissemination

Knowledge dissemination is important within the nursing profession as part of a nurse’s responsibility is to educate patients. Software such Microsoft Publisher can be used to create reading material such as pamphlets and PowerPoint can be used to create presentation which can be used as a teaching tool to increase productivity (Slaey, 2013).

Krishnan, R. (2011). The role of information systems in healthcare: Current research and future trends. Retrieved on 9th March 2019 by

Rouse. M, (2015). Productivity software. Retrieved on the 9th March, 2019 by

Slaey. S, (2013). Introduction to productivity software suites.Retrieved on the 10th March. 2019 by


  1. Hello Alicia, I agree with your opening statement of productivity software being necessary for our everyday practice. With the use of these software our nursing life is made simpler, especially with documentation and searching for patients file and an enhancement in patient care is well noted too. Nice Job with your blog.

  2. Hi Alicia,
    It is clear from your blog that productive software is needed for healthcare to be more efficient and more effective. There are so many benefits that can be derived from using productive software. These include:
    1 Labor saving, more work can be done with less staff
    2 Improvement in quality and consistency and
    3 Reduces waste.

    James, D. 6 benefits of applying automation to healthcare. (2014). Retrieved on the 10th of March from

  3. Hi Alicia,
    Well presented blog, you have highlighted some very good information. Just to add to what you have put forth...Productivity software is very useful for nurses since it allows for timely exchange of patient information which in turn improves the quality of care being provided.

    Cunningham-Campbell, R. (2013, October 06). Productivity Software. Retrieved from Information Technology & Nursing:

  4. Hi Alicia Antonio, just to add to your presentation, we no longer as nurses take lengthy periods of time when we have to locate patients files, seeing that we now have the introduction of productive software which contributes to efficiency and productivity in modern work environments (Hughes 2016).
    Hughes, A. (2016) How word, excel and power-point in Microsoft office are used to support various
    work environments. retrieve from


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