Lessons Learned

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Look back at this course I've learned so much I am now better able to apply my the knowledge gathered within my daily practice. The course was super interesting, informative and a bit challenging however it did accomplish that which it was set out to do. I am leaving this course able to create my very out access lab and blog, I am now equip with the knowledge of what I can publish online medically about a patient and even what can be publish medically about me. I have gained a better appreciation for the use of information technology within the medical field and I now welcome it with open arms and look forward to the future of nursing. Thank you Nursing Informatics! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia, I like your Blog, it is very interesting and creative. It shows that you have really grasped this concept. Nursing informatics is indeed a challenging subject area but with prayers and commitment we made it. The nursing profession is rapidly changing to keep up with advancements and new challenges in the healthcare field. Nurses are in the front lines of patient care and consequently often feel the impact of changes in best practices more immediately than other healthcare professional because we are direct caregivers. Informatics is being used to address the challenges of the day and significantly impacting the way nurses function in patient care.


    Hebda. C & Czar. P (2013). Handbook of Nursing Informatics for nurses and Healthcare Professionals 5th ed. Pearson: INC.


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