Tuesday, April 16, 2019

IT Adoption

Definition of Information system

Image result for picture of information technology in nursing

Information systems are important to any organization as it helps with the organizing and analysing of data. “Information system is defined as the system that produces information using input ,process, output cycle’ (Joos, Nelson& Smith 2013 para 1).
 There are some general types of information systems such as database management system (DBMS) which is a combination of software and data to help organize and analyse data. Another type of information system is the electronic spreadsheet which does basic data analysis based on formulas that define relationships among the data (Zandbergen, 2015).
 If given the opportunity to participate in a discussion about the use of computers and information technology acquisition for the practice area at my place of work.  I will explain the major components of the information system to help enlighten workers of the purpose, functions and efficiency to the company (Joos et al, 2013).

These components information system are:
1.      The people:  Which in this case are the staff who would be accessing the information to help provide quality care for patients (Joos et al, 2013).
2.      Hardware:  Is the computer-based information system which is used in the input and output of data such as the processors, monitors, keyboard and printers (Joos et al, 2013).
3.      Software: this is the program used to organise, process and analyses data. I can be divided into two parts mainly system operating software example windows operating system or Mac operation system and application software example of this would be Microsoft word, spreadsheet and electronic medical records (Zandbergen, 2015).
4.      Databases: information systems that work with data organised table and files information.
5.      Policy and Procedures: it also contains the policy and procedure of the company such as employees and patients record number and products (Joos et al, 2013).
6.      Connectivity/Communication: Is needed to connect each other especially if many different people in an organization using the same information, it is basically the electronic transfer of data form one place to another (Joos et al, 2013).

Information technology in the work place
Information technology can be used in in the work place by enhancing the timeframe between screening patients. The use of electronic health records (EHR) makes it a lot easier to retrieve a patient’s old note and look back at their past history without having to search for a file. (Krishnan, 2011). Health professional can also use Information technology in conveying information between each other in a reasonable time such as viewing scans and prescription via email and messages (Krishnan, 2011).
Image result for picture of information technology in nursing

Joos. I, Nelson. R & Smith. M (2013). Introduction to computer healthcare professional’s sixth edition. Chapter 2; Information system hardware software and connectivity p. 53. Retrieved on the 23rd January, 2019 by

Krishnan, R. (2011). The role of information systems in healthcare: Current research and future trends. Retrieved on 23rd January 2019 by

Zandbergen .P, (2015) what are information systems? - Definition & types. Retrieved on the 23rd January 2019 by

IT Adoption

Definition of Information system Information systems are important to any organization as it helps with the organizing and ana...